- Securing a PHP Application in 2016: The Pocket Guide
- セキュリティの本質を理解しましょう。
- 4ステップでPHPセキュリティを改善します
- PHPセキュリティの次のレベルへ
- 後日談
Securing a PHP Application in 2016: The Pocket Guide
It was the year 2016. A business owner just had a great idea to expand their reach in the marketplace, and they needed to build a web application to pull it off. After a bit of market research, they decide the best course of action is to hire PHP programmers to build their vision.
pull it off:〔漠然と〕うまくやる
best course of action:最善の方策
Let's say you're a PHP programmer. A few days later, you find yourself employed at the company to make this vision happen. As you're sitting at the desk reviewing the wireframes that were agreed upon, the news on TV says something that catches your ear. You turn the volume up and learn that another company got hacked, all their customers' data was compromised, and it's just a mess all around.You look back at your wireframes and wonder, "If it were to happen to this project, how would it fare?" How would you even begin to answer this question?
1人のPHPプログラマが言いました。数日後にあなたは自分自身がこの会社の目標の為に雇われている事に気付くでしょう。あなたは机で座りながら規定済みのワイヤ・フレームを見直しをしている時、TVのニュースで何か耳に引っかかる事を聞きます。TVのボリュームを上げると、別の会社がハッキングされ顧客情報が危険に晒され、全てめちゃくちゃになってしまった事をあなたは理解します。 あなたは、ふり返ってワイヤー・フレームを見ながら、「万一、同じ事がこのプロジェクトに起こったらどうすればいいのか?」と思います。
agreed upon :規定済みの,制定されている。
catches your ear :(曖昧)耳に引っかかる。
turn the volume up :ボリュームを上げる
just a mess all around :すべてがめちゃくちゃになる。
Please set aside most of what you've heard over the years; chances are, most of it just muddies the water. Security is not a product.Security is not a checklist.Security is not an absolute.
chances are:可能性は
it just muddies the water:〔事態などを〕混乱させる,波紋を投じる
Security is a process. Security is an emergent property of a mature mindset in the face of risk.
mature mindset: 成熟した考え
Perfect security is not possible, but attackers do have budgets.
If you raise the cost of attacking a system (your application or the networking infrastructure it depends on) so high that the entities that would be interested in defeating your security are incredibly unlikely to succeed, you'll be incredibly unlikely to be compromised.
Even better, the most effective ways to raise the cost of attack against your system don't significantly increase the cost of using the system legitimately.
This is no accident; as Avi Douglen says, "Security at the expense of usability, comes at the expense of security."
これは事故ではありません。Avi Douglenは言います。
With that in mind, let's look at some easy security wins you can implement in your PHP applications that significantly raise the cost of attack without making your software unusable.
Step1 すべての新しい開発でPHP7を使用する。
PHP 7 does three important things that significantly improve the security of software written in it:
PHP 7はソフトウェアのセキュリティを著しく改善する3つの重要な事が書かれています。
1.PHP 7 dropped support for the old mysql_* functions, which a lot of outdated and insecure PHP tutorials used.
2.PHP 7 allows you to add scalar type declarations to your code.
3.PHP 7 ships with a secure random number generator.
Let's look at an example of the first two items in that list.
<?php /** PHP 5 snippet */ class Foo { public function get_products($name, $start = 0, $end = 30) { $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%{$name}%' LIMIT {$start}, {$end}"); $products = []; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $products []= $row; } return $products; } } $foo = new Foo; $products = $foo->get_products($_GET['search']);
This appears secure (we're escaping strings), but what if you accidentally passed a GET parameter as the second and third arguments to
? Chances are, SQL injection would be the result.
what if:~だったらどうする?
Chances are:多分,おそらく
Now let's look at the PHP 7 approach:
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** PHP 7 snippet */ class Foo { protected $pdo; public function __construct(PDO $pdo) { $this->pdo = $pdo; $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } public function get_products(string $name, int $start = 0, int $end = 30): array { $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare( "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE :name LIMIT {$start}, {$end}" ); $stmt->execute([ 'name' => '%' . $name . '%' ]); return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } } $foo = new Foo(new PDO(/* ... */)); $products = $foo->get_products($_GET['search'] ?? '');
Is this more secure than the PHP 5 snippet? Certainly. If a developer accidentally passes a GET parameter to the second or third arguments, this will throw a
unless they cast the user's input to an integer first. If the script doesn't catch theTypeError
, then the script aborts execution. Type safety is useful for stopping unintended consequences.
このコードはPHP5より安全でしょうか?もちろんです。もし開発者が誤って第一引数,第二引数へのGETパラメータを渡す場合でも最初の整数にユーザ入力をキャストしない限り、例外処理としてType Error
There are no known integer inputs that can result in SQL injection, given the code above. However, it's still highly recommended to avoid string concatenation in SQL queries at all.
Furthermore, both the MySQLi and PDO extensions support a feature called prepared statements.The old MySQL extension did not.
PHP 7 marked an inflection point in the PHP language (and the ecosystem surrounding it) to make it easier to do the secure thing than the insecure thing
PHP 7は不安定な言語から、より簡単に安全なことをするPHP言語(またそれを囲む生態系)としての変曲点を迎えました。
marked an inflection point :(曖昧)変曲点にマークする
Step2 どこでもHTTPSを使おう。
A website that uses HTTPS properly almost never has to worry about session hijacking attacks (for example, Firesheep); and thanks to Let's Encrypt and open source projects like Caddy - a webserver that offers automatic free HTTPS, it's never been easier to adopt HTTPS.
HTTPSを適切に使用しないほとんどのウェブサイトはセッションハイジャック攻撃(例:Firesheep)を心配する必要があります。 暗号技術やCaddy -オープンソースでHTTPSを提供するWebサーバ-のおかげで、HTTPSの導入は簡単になりました。
Compare, for instance, this Caddyfile for our project, CMS Airship with its congruent Apache or nginx configurations.
例えば我々のプロジェクトであるCaddyfile,CMS AirshpsにおいてApacheもしくはnginxの構成で比較してみましょう。
Even though modern HTTPS (the TLS 1.2 variety) adds a layer of authenticated encryption to your network traffic, its CPU and memory usage overhead has been proven negligible. With HTTP/2, it's often faster for your users to connect over HTTPS than it is over HTTP.
For marketing incentive, HTTPS is also a boon for search engine optimization.
incentive:要因,動機 boon:恩恵,ありがたい
Step3 セキュリティ・ヘッダーを使用する。
Security expert Scott Helme has put together a website that allows you to assess your usage of HTTP response headers that enable and/or configure security features, at SecurityHeaders.io. (You can see our scan results here.)
セキュリティの専門家であるスコット・ヘルメ氏はSecurityHeaders.ioでセキュリティ機能を有効にするか、または構成するHTTP応答ヘッダーの使用状況を評価することを可能にするウェブサイトを一緒に入れています。 (ここに私達のスキャン結果を見ることができます。)
Some security headers are trivial to implement (
header("X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN");
makes clickjacking nigh-impossible while allowing the use of HTML frames if your website was designed to use them).
一部のセキュリティヘッダを実装するのは簡単です。例えば(header("X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN");
For the more complicated security headers, Paragon Initiative Enterprises has developed open source software to make their implementation easier.Consider, for example, CSP Builder (which assembles
headers for you).
より複雑なセキュリティ・ヘッダーの場合、 Paragon Initiative企業(著者の企業)はこれらの実装を容易にするために、オープンソースソフトウェアを開発しました。例えば、CSP Builder(Content-Security-Policy
<?php use ParagonIE\CSPBuilder\CSPBuilder; (new CSPBuilder()) ->addSource('image', 'https://ytimg.com') ->addSource('frame', 'https://youtube.com') ->addSource('script', 'https://www.google.com') ->addDirective('upgrade-insecure-requests', true) ->sendCSPHeader();
At bare minimum, you should send these headers:
Step4 信頼できる参考資料を使いましょう。
Although adopting PHP 7 means you'll miss out on most of the ways PHP developers shoot themselves in the foot while building software, there are still tutorials being written in 2016 that contain ill-advised (or outright vulnerable) practices. A great way to avoid accidentally trusting an unreliable tutorial is to proactively learn the best practices.
miss out on most of the ways:方法のほとんどを逃します。
shoot themselves in the foot:自ら墓穴を掘る。
Start with our Gentle Introduction to Application Security, then check out our application security reading list. Most of the concepts we emphasize in our blog posts are also widely applicable outside PHP security.
If you follow the four easy steps above, you'll be in much better shape when it comes to defending against computer criminals.
Earlier we had said, "If you raise the cost of attacking a system (your application or the networking infrastructure it depends on) so high that the entities that would be interested in defeating your security are incredibly unlikely to succeed, you'll be incredibly unlikely to be compromised." There's a corollary that must be stated here.
You cannot know everyone that is interested in attacking your system. You similarly cannot know why every possible attacker in the universe may want to attack your system.
システムを攻撃する事に興味を持ってる人を誰も知り得る事はできません。また同様に、全ての(in the universe)攻撃者がセキュリティーを破れるシステムの中であなたのシステムを攻撃するかもしれない事を、知る事もできないのです。
There are a lot of companies that try to fill in this gap. They emphasize attribution, threat intelligence, and real-time attack monitoring. You can, for the most part, safely ignore all of these things they are selling.
attribution :帰属,著者,属性特性
Consider this: Even if you were to succeed in knowing who is attacking your network and what they hope to gain, the most you can glean from this is psychological comfort in knowing your enemy and maybe retributive prosecution (if they're in another country, the odds become much slimmer).
retributive prosecution:(曖昧)報復起訴
If your goal is to write secure PHP applications:
・You generally don't need to know who the attacker is.
・You generally don't need to know why they want to break in.
・You should know what attacks are possible.
・You should know where attacks should come from.
・If an incident does occur, you should know when and how it happened, so you can prevent it (and similar attacks) from happening again.
If you find yourself asking, "Who would want to attack us? It's not worth it for them to target such small fry," consider the current trend of computer crime: ransomware and watering-hole attacks on ad networks are quickly becoming the biggest threats to the security of most peoples' computers.
あなたはこんな感じに自問自答するかもしれません。"だれが我々を攻撃したがるんだ?彼らにとって我々なんて小さな稚魚を捕まえるような事じゃないか",と考えながら現在のコンピュータ犯罪の傾向を考えます。広告ネットワークへのランサムウェアおよびWatering Hole型攻撃はすぐに人々のコンピュータセキュリティ最大の脅威となってくるでしょう。
※ランサムウェア:感染したPCをロックしたり、ファイルを暗号化したりすることによって使用不能にしたのち、元に戻すことと引き換えに「身代金」を要求する不正プログラムです。 身代金要求型不正プログラムとも呼ばれます。詳細はここで見れます
※Watering Hole型攻撃:企業や組織を狙った攻撃手法の1つを表す言葉として使用されています。この場合、攻撃者は、慎重に考慮した上で特定のWebサイトを選定し、そのWebサイトに脆弱性利用のマルウェア(エクスプロイト)を組み込むことで改ざんを行い、最終的にマルウェアの感染被害が発生することになります。詳細はここで見れます
Your system might not be the end-game, especially if the attacker is sophisticated. Always look to improve. Security is a process. It's not a destination.
If you run out of ideas to improve, consider hiring a security company to perform a comprehensive penetration test and/or audit your source code. Specialists will generally have deeper insight into the more advanced attacks that are possible as well as the best defense against them.
(Full disclosure: Our company specializes in developing secure PHP software; penetration testing and source code auditing are both services we provide our clients.)
July 10, 2016 4:55 pm by P.I.E. Staff
数日前に友人に誘われてベンチャー投資家とスタートアップのミーティング会議に参加させてもらったことがあったんですよ。といってもデッカイ会場とかではなく横浜にあるタワーマンションのワンルーム(?)みたいな所で10~12人ぐらいが入る規模ぐらいかな?。このミーティングに参加している一人が僕の友人にこのミーティングに誘ってくれて、その友人から僕に連絡がきて「美味しい食べ物とお酒、ノメルヨ」と来てノココと付いて行った訳です。でまぁ、このミーティングが結構熱くて、中には黒人の学生の子もいて、母国(アフリカ諸国)に戻ってICT教育を普及させたいだ!つって全部英語で喋って(勿論投資家側も英語で返す)、僕みたいミーハな奴でも熱が伝わる素晴らしいプレゼンだったんだけど、プレゼンが終わった飲み会でその黒人の人とは違う、外国人の人から「PHPでwebサービスを作るのは危険なんだよね」みたいな事を聞かれれ、ボクなんか英語で返そうにも最近Rapにはまってるせいで「Hy!Yo!Year! wackなMC~!」しか言えないんだけど、頑張って「いやPHP7にすれば大丈夫だよ」とかなんかそれっぽい事を言ったら「hmmmmmm」ってすごい怪訝な顔をされた訳ですよ。 「hmmmmm」って、それ日本人でしう「う~~~ん」みたいな?なんか違うぜ、みたいな?そしたら彼がやっぱりセキュリティの事でPHPは危険さぁ~って、手にもった赤ワインを飲みながら陽気に受け流していたんだけど。まぁ確かに7に上げた所でそこまで売り上げ変わるかってわかんないし、そもそも情報がまだまだ少ないし、しかもカツカツなベンチャーなら、顧客情報流失なんて謝罪で済む話じゃない訳で、一歩間違えりゃ倒産じゃないですか。さっき頑張ってプレゼンしてた黒人のナイスガイナな彼も困り顔で「hmmmmm」とか言いそうだなって!って、意識が朦朧としながらトイレで引きこもりがら考えてたんですよ。
- 作者: 小川雄大,柄沢聡太郎,橋口誠
- 出版社/メーカー: 技術評論社
- 発売日: 2010/11/12
- メディア: 大型本
- 購入: 32人 クリック: 1,065回
- この商品を含むブログ (59件) を見る
- 作者: 山田祥寛
- 出版社/メーカー: 翔泳社
- 発売日: 2016/04/09
- メディア: 大型本
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
効率的なWebアプリケーションの作り方 ~PHPによるモダン開発入門
- 作者: 小川雄大
- 出版社/メーカー: 技術評論社
- 発売日: 2012/05/26
- メディア: 大型本
- 購入: 6人 クリック: 146回
- この商品を含むブログ (8件) を見る